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Two Weeks

by AndrewPane , at 00.22 , have 0 komentar

Two Weeks

Two Weeks Poster
Name: Two Weeks
Original name: 투윅스
Director: Son Hyeong-Seok, Choi Jung-Kyu
IMDB Rating: 
Release year: 2013
Runtime: 16 Episodes
Status: Complete
Watch NowCountry: Korea
Subtitles: Indonesia
DownloadGenre: Drama


A man named Tae-San (Lee Joon-Gi) lives his life meaninglessly. He is falsely accused of murder. The man learns that he has a young daughter stricken with leukemia. For the next two weeks, he struggles to save his daughter. 8 years ago, Tae-San and In-Hye (Park Ha-Sun) were involved in a romantic relationship. At the time, Tae-San was a member of a crime gang and worked for crime boss Moon Il-Seok (Jo Min-Gi). One day, Moon Il-Seok ordered Tae-San to take the wrap for a murder charge that Moon Il-Seok committed. If Tae-San refuses, Moon Il-Seok threatens to kill his girlfriend In-Hye, who is pregnant at the time. Tae-San agrees to take the fall and goes to prison, but first he takes In-Hye to an abortion clinic. In-Hye has no idea why Tae-San changed.
Two Weeks - written by AndrewPane , published at 00.22, categorized as Movies . And have 0 komentar
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